Last night I was going through my archives when I came across a ton of photos that never got posted on this website. Part of it could be that they were taken as I was getting the blog started and I wasn’t sure what direction I was going with it yet, or that I just didn’t have time. I don’t really remember. Anyway, to get some of this stuff out of my private archive and into a more visible space, I’ll be uploading photos from back when as I have time.
These photos were taken one day before I had a Demosthenian meeting my Junior year of college. As I walked up to Demosthenian Hall I came across some people I knew hanging out on the North Campus Quad at UGA and they were setting up these lines between trees. It looked kind of interesting so I stuck around a bit as they started walking across the lines. The practice, known as slack-lining, became a weekly tradition for the group who normally spent most of their time at the rock climbing wall at the Ramsey Center.