Alpha Phi Alpha @ The Salvation Army

Alpha Phi Alpha

Yesterday I got a last minute photo request for a fraternity who was working at the Salvation Army.

The Fraternity was very friendly and let me take photos of whatever I wanted, but the biggest problem I had was with the lighting.

I had to switch between using flash and not using flash and my light meter seemed to be off for some reason as all my non-flash photos came out dark.

Luckily, the 20D is good about taking dark images, in that you can tone them up without the image breaking apart. This photo was only a little dark and required very little toning, but it still works pretty well.

I like the body language and eye contact in the photo, but I really wish I had been able to do something about the lights on the ceiling. If I had shot down I would have been able to get rid of them. However, hail marrying is a bit difficult when everyone is that much taller than you.

Josh D. Weiss/The Red & Black Richard Walker and Chike Akoh of Alpha Phi Alpha take directions from Paula Royal Wallace as they prepare to serve food to the homeless at the Salvation Army