Ron Jeremy and the XXX Church (I really don’t want to know what type of traffic this will generate)

Last night Porn Star Ron Jeremy and Pastor Craig Gross of the XXX Church squared off for a debate in Georgia Hall in the Tate Center on the University of Georgia Campus. The event, which was hosted by University Union, drew a full crowd to hear the two who argued about the porn industry.

The debate was interesting, but the lighting and setup of the stage proved to be the biggest challenge. I shot from the sides of the stage which provided some dramatic lighting, but it also gave me the opportunity to use a 300mm f/4 lens I checked out from my professor earlier in the day along with a new monopod The Red & Black purchased.

Check back later for some unpublished photos, but here are the published ones:


2 responses to “Ron Jeremy and the XXX Church (I really don’t want to know what type of traffic this will generate)”

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