Dega II

Today at Talladega was the big race, the Aarons 499.  My vantage point was somewhat boring again, but then as the last lap was coming to a close, the below happened.  It happened really fast and I wasn’t sure what had even happened because the car basically bounced into my point-of-view and I just happened to already be pre-focused on that area of the track waiting for cars to be coming from around the corner.


6 responses to “Dega II”

  1. nat Avatar

    these are badass.

  2. Debbie Weiss Avatar
    Debbie Weiss

    Great shot, Josh! You were in the right spot at the right time! I understand that everyone was ok, though. Thank goodness.

  3. Michael Avatar

    Good work. Had to wait for that one.

  4. Adam Sacasa Avatar

    Great pics. Crash ones are nuts.

  5. Chip english Avatar

    Great crash shots. OK I officially hate you now!

    Chip English

  6. Mark J Rebilas Avatar

    I dig the shot of Carl running from the car. Very nice