News: Sgt. Chris Duke and Rufus [NYP]

Late Wednesday night I got an e-mail from Atlanta Journal-Constitution photographer Hyosub Shin letting me know the New York Post was looking for someone to shoot an assignment for them the following day.  As soon as I got the e-mail I pulled out my cell phone as fast as I could to call their photo editor to let them know I was available.

The assignment was to cover the arrival of two stray Afghani dogs at Dekalb-Peachtree Airport where they were being reunited with Sgt. Chris Duke.  Duke was adopting one of them, Rufus, and temporarily holding on to another, Target.  The two dogs were part of a group of three that saved his and fellow soldiers lives after they stopped an attempted suicide bomber from detonating his explosives in their barracks.  Rufus and Target survived, the third dog didn’t.  Duke also believes Rufus went deaf as a result of the blast.

The first part of the assignment was fairly standard, the second part was cool.  I had to travel out to west Georgia to to get photos of the dogs at their new home.  It went exceedingly well and I was very happy with the results.


7 responses to “News: Sgt. Chris Duke and Rufus [NYP]”

  1. Ted Mayer Avatar

    Great photos Josh, glad you got the heads up on the assignment. A really great feel good story.

  2. Cessie Avatar

    Please check!/pages/Puppy-Rescue-Mission/106320572741421?ref=ts
    for the complete story of Rufus and Targets rescue, a group of the “Lucky Seven” which includes 5 other dogs rescued from this base in Afghanistan that are staying with the soldier’s families till they return Stateside. They are also in the process of rescueing more dogs. Great pictures!!!!!

  3. Sgt Duke Avatar
    Sgt Duke

    Hello Josh. It was nice to have met you. You did a GREAT job on the photos. Thanks again.

  4. Milly Avatar

    I am very late, but just saw this today. This is a most beautiful article. The pictures are the best I have seen yet. I wonder if the Young family has these pictures of Target? I have not seen them on Target’s FB page.

  5. Dianne Avatar

    Thank you for the gift of art you do with your photos.

  6. Connie Fidlin Avatar

    Beautiful pictures of Target and Rufus. Where is Rufus now living now?
    My heart goes out to the Young family and all those who knew and loved her as all her vans on her facepage do.
    Our Hero On Earth, Our Angel In Heaven!
    God Bless You for taking these beautiful pictures. I hope the Young Family has copies of them too.

  7. Connie Fidlin Avatar

    Beautiful pictures of Target and Rufus.Where is Rufus living now?
    My heart goes out to the Young Family and all those who knew and loved her as all her fans do on her facepage.
    Target will always be OUR HERO ON EARTH, OUR ANGEL IN HEAVEN.
    God Bless You for taking these beautiful pictures and I hope the Young Family have copies of them, too.