New York City: Central park

One of the most fascinating parts of New York City to me is the oasis of Central Park.  For one, its absolutely massive.  The second part is that it is way nicer than any park in Atlanta.  Piedmont Park is the only thing that comes close, but it really doesn’t come close.  I went by myself after arriving in New York on October 7th and returned with Eddie Adams folks on the 12th.  The park was nice the first time, but it was fun the second time.


One response to “New York City: Central park”

  1. […] I arrived in New York around noon on Thursday, October 7th.  When I arrived I had about 6 or 7 hours to kill before my friend Julie got off work.  Not sure what to do, I dropped my bags off at the first hotel I saw after arriving at Grand Central Station and then got a map of the city from the concierge.  With the map in hand, the island became a whole lot smaller.  From the hotel I walked a few blocks to Times Square then North to Central Park (see photos). […]