2nd Place Spot News, Region 6, February 2009

I just found out that I won Second Place for Spot News in Region 6 of the NPPA for February of 2009.  They’ve been ridiculously slow at getting that month up, which is why I just found out.

You can see the entry on the NPPA website by clicking here.




4 responses to “2nd Place Spot News, Region 6, February 2009”

  1. kelly proctor Avatar

    that dog looks sad.

  2. Hassan Avatar

    Congratulations man! It is a great shot!

  3. Ted Avatar

    Great shot Josh, congrats on the award. Was the dog ok?

    1. Josh D. Weiss Avatar

      The dog was fine, the driver of that car got a DUI though, person in the other car was sent to the hospital.