SEC Tournament
Last night marked the beginning of the SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. It was an interesting experience in that it was so different from shooting basketball at Stegemen Coliseum.
To start, every photographer is assigned a spot on the court to shoot from instead of the first come first serve nature I usually experience.
On to the photo though, I don’t have any problems with the composition, but it looks like Stukes is a bit soft. I remember having a fairly high shutter speed, so I’m guessing its not motion blur.
My autofocus was acting weird last night so I’ll attribute the softness to that. It was taking forever to focus despite there being plenty of light (enough for me to shoot at a 400 iso instead of 800), and sometimes the shutter wouldn’t close when I hit the button.
I’m shooting tonight’s game against Florida so hopefully any problems will have been resolved.