Photo Editor

One of the perks of being the photo editor at a college paper is that you get to pick your staff and then direct the flow and feel of the photos that appear online and in the paper. With the advent of Sound Slides I get to act as a pseudo director to the project making tweaks as I see fit and necessary.

By clicking this link, you can see the first Sound Slide that was put together this summer by my staff. The photos and audio were shot/recorded over a two day period by Lindy Dugger and Tyler Goforth. Then Tyler spent another two days editing the audio and adding in the photos. After all this I got to sit down and make some tweaks, suggest some visual enhancements like adding names to some of the slides and so on.

The project came out really well and I’m glad I have the staff I do working for me this summer.


One response to “Photo Editor”

  1. Jerome Weiss Avatar
    Jerome Weiss

    I was very impressed with the photos as well as surprised at the talent which I had not realized you have in this exciting field.

    Looks like you are on track in your photography endeavor.

    You have my best wishes for much success . J.