I would never walk 17 miles in one day

Not too long after I got to work this morning I was informed that a group of people were marching down the main road in Anniston waving flags and backing up traffic.  Needless to say, I got dispatched pretty quickly.  By the time I caught up with the group, they were taking a breakfast break in the parking lot of a nearby restaurant.

The group, who is currently in the process of walking across the country from San Francisco to Washington DC, are part of the Longest Walk campaign.  They are trying to raise awareness about Native American issues.  Here are the ones i liked.


2 responses to “I would never walk 17 miles in one day”

  1. woodstock Avatar

    that’s so cool, what they’re doing for Native American issues!! it almost makes me feel guilty about being white

  2. Jerome J. Weiss Avatar
    Jerome J. Weiss

    Good to see native American Indians receive some media coverage. Most people in the USA, in areas outside the southwest have just about forgotten their existence.
