For those not in the know, while I was at UGA I was a member of the Demosthenian Literary Society (photos here). Last night I organized a meet up for current members and alumni in the Atlanta area and we had about 12 people show up. Half were members during the 80’s, the rest were recent graduates of my class or current members. See if you can tell which is which.
5 responses to “Demsoc Atlanta”
In my poorly-educated opinion – nice job! Good composition and I like the strong colors. The fact that I look ‘rode hard and put up wet’ I blame purely on the subject.
Looks like y’all had a great time! Tim Norman is visiting up here next week…so a little bit of a Demo reunion for us too.
BTW–David’s last name is spelled BuntEn.
Great to see a good sized gathering! Nice job tossing the idea out there Josh!
Sorry I had to bail at the last minute, folks. Please do this again soon!
Nice pix Josh. The hands are mine and yes they are not anyone’s mascot.